Who are we?
The question is simple�� the answer, however, is far more complex! In order to find a suitable answer, we must first question ourselves: no one is fit to answer this question in someone else’s stead.
The reason for this is that we can’t DEFINE anything without giving consent to a copy/paste definition previously created by someone else to whom we have no direct relation and whose intention, regarding his or her definition, we cannot question. We therefore need to agree on each definition, instead of passively accepting pre-existing ones, with whomever we debate this subject.
But this question is essential!!! If we are not fully aware of WHO/WHERE we really are, then we are simply not living our own lives.
Are we really allowed to destroy all life to justify a comfortable lifestyle? Are we only here just to blindly follow what is proposed to us in multiple pre-determined choices like shopping in a supermarket? Are these proposed choices really choices at all or is the real choice to make our own choices?
If we don’t take full advantage of our own lives, who stands to gain from it in the end?
All these questions and many more need to be answered before we fully realise how far we are from being truly in charge of our own lives (thoughts, feelings, words and actions).
We must therefore ask ourselves: ARE WE COURAGEOUS, WILFUL AND DETERMINED ENOUGH to answer the fundamental question of who we are? Or will we just give up halfway and suppose that this question CAN’T EVER BE ANSWERED? It will all come back to the same beginning: as long as WE WAIT to BE DEFINED by someone else, we will remain stuck within the same LOOPHOLE/hamster wheel!